This time, SALC STORIES brings you the story of Peh Huiqi Kelsey!

What is your name?
Peh Huiqi Kelsey
What Japanese level were you placed in when you arrived at APU?
Japanese Intermediate Course
What are your Japanese study goals?
To speak Japanese like a native and work in Japan after graduation.
What are you doing to help achieve your goals?
Every night, I would do self-revision of what has been taught during Japanese class. I also used the SALC one time each week to practice conversation speaking. During my free time, I would watch Japanese drama without subtitles to train on my listening skills. I would copy how the actors speak to practice on my intonation and pitch.
How do you study?
As for the method of studying, I would make notes especially for grammar sentence structures on my iPad and do self-revision. I would download all the materials provided by my teacher and study it. For Kanji, I will practice and write the words many times on a paper so that I can remember it.
How do you use the SALC to study Japanese?
In the SALC, I would practice conversation speaking with a Japanese PA because I want to improve on my Japanese speaking skills. Whenever I have questions about grammar or homework, I would ask the PAs and receive help from them.
What kind of place is the SALC to you?
To me, the SALC is a place for me where I do not have to be afraid of making mistakes while speaking Japanese because all the PAs are very patient, kind and friendly. It is also a place where I can make a lot of friends too. I plan to use the SALC next semester as well!
Do you have any tips to help encourage people to continue studying?
To be clear on your goals and work hard towards it. Sometimes learning a new language may not be easy as it seems, but as long as you know what you want to achieve through learning the language, you will be able to persevere through it.
What do you want to challenge yourself to try next?
I want to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and pass N2 level.
Do you have any final comments for everyone?
The SALC is really a fun place to learn and make friends. When you are free, please use the SALC!
ペー フイチー ケルシー
iPadに文法の構造についてノートを取り、復習しました。 私は先生が提供した資料を全部ダウンロードして自習しました。漢字の勉強方法は、覚えられるように紙で繰り返し書いて、練習しました。
SALCは私にとって間違いを恐れないで日本語を話せる場所です。なぜなら、SALCのPAはとても優しくて、熱心に教えてくれる人だからです。 SALCは友達がたくさん作る場所です。来学期も、SALCに行くつもりです!