2023年9月29日読了時間: 4分SALCの言語アドバイザー(LA)の役割/ The Role of Language Advisors (LA) at the SALC[English is below] 今日は、SALCの言語アドバイザー(LA)がどのような役割を担っているのかに関して学習者の皆さんにお伝えしたいと思います。 言語アドバイザー(LA)は何をするのか? ① アットホームで話しやすい雰囲気をつくります。...
2021年10月1日読了時間: 1分New Support Program: Japanese Language Advisor sessionThe SALC opens Japanese language advising sessions by a Japanese language teacher, Yoshimura Eri-sensei, for the 1st quarter of this Fall...
2021年5月21日読了時間: 3分What it is like being an online English PA /オンラインの英語PAとして働くとはBeing Hired I still remember the day when I received the email stating I had been selected as an English PA. I had applied to the SALC to...
2021年5月13日読了時間: 5分HOW I “SURVIVED” BEING AN ONLINE PA IN THE SALC /SALCのオンラインPAをどうやって乗り切ったかI started the position of Peer Advisor (PA) in the SALC in Fall Semester of 2020 and I have just finished my first working semester here....
2021年5月4日読了時間: 2分MY ENGLISH STUDY JOURNEY 私の英語学習の旅について(日本語は英語文章に続きます。) I started out as a kid who fell behind in class because I was not good enough at English. Back when I was 8, most of my...
2020年12月15日読了時間: 3分Introducing SALC "WALK-IN" Session 🐒 The APU SALC (Self-Access Learning Center) is happy to introduce you to SALC “walk-in” session. We have an option for you to walk in and...
2020年12月8日読了時間: 5分Come to the SALC- We can help you in your English Language JourneyDid you know that there are Peer Advisors (PAs) and Language Advisors (LAs) hired and specially trained to help you reach your English...