Photo: Riccardo-san and Japanese PA, Michiue-san
(*English follows Japanese)
⑤目標達成に向け、どのように勉強しましたか:一番力を入れたのは漢字の勉強で、毎日単語帳を使い暗記しました。その他にも、毎日SALC に通い、日常会話の練習をしました。
⑦勉強を続けるコツ(tip)は何ですか: 勉強で得た能力を自分の好きなことに使うことです。例えば、日本人の友達と交流したり、小説を読んだり、アニメを見たりしました。
⑧今度どんなことにチャレンジしていきたいですか: 日本語能力試験1級に合格することです。
① Name: Riccardo Cravich San
② Country: Italy
③ Starting Japanese Level: Advanced
④ Japanese Learning Goals: To be able to speak Japanese like a native speaker
⑤ How did you study to achieve your goal?: I put the most effort into studying Kanji, so I memorized them daily using a vocabulary notebook. I also visited the SALC every day for regular conversation practice.
⑥ What is the SALC to you? The SALC is not only a place to study Japanese, but also a place where I can make good friends and get help from kind PAs when I don't understand something, so it's a very calming place to me.
⑦ Tips to keep learning: Use the abilities you gained in your studies to do what you like. For example, I interacted with Japanese friends, read novels, and watched anime.
⑧ What is your next goal? To pass Level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
The best way to make effective use of the SALC is to not just use it for self-study, but join events and use the opportunities provided by SALC PAs to create new connections and improve your skills.