(English is below.)
Q.1 オンラインのIELTS試験はどこで受けられますか?
Q.2 どこから申し込みしたらいいですか?
英検のサイトからが確実だと思います。 https://www.eiken.or.jp/ielts/
Q.3 受験料はいくらですか?
Q.4 オンライン受験での申し込みのメリットって何ですか?
Q.5 交換留学に行きたい!英語コースの免除申請をしたい!という場合には、アカデミック・モジュールとジェネラル・トレーニング・モジュールのどちらのテストを受ければいいですか?
Q.6 実際の試験や進め方はどうでしたか?
Q.7 リスニングの試験はどうでしたか?
ペーパーテストでは、リスニング試験の最後に10分の解答の転記時間が設けられていますよね。残念ながら、それはありません。しかしながら、1語だけ書けばいいので、そんなに負担になることはありません。これに合わせてか、最近ではペーパーの方も1単語で書く問題になったようですね。しかしながら、相変わらずぺーパーベースでは10分の転記時間は設けられています。意外とSection1が難しいように思います。理由は、ペーパーテストでは、電話番号などを言う時、「あっ、間違えた」などと言ってもう一回言っていたので、多少最初が飛んでも大丈夫でしたが、オンラインでは言い直しがないので、一発で覚えておかないと厳しいです。Multiple choice式が多かったので、解答しやすかったです。
Q.8 リーディングテストはどうでしたか?
Q.9 ライティングテストはどうでしたか?
Q.10 スピーキングテストはどうでしたか?
Hi APU students,
I'm Misato Saunders from SALC LA and I'm very happy to be back at APU for the first time in a year! I'm at the SALC LA desk every Friday during 3rd period, so please come and see me.
I lived in Osaka for the last year, so I took the IELTS online test a few times because I thought it was a great opportunity and I would like to share my experience and impressions with you.
Until I took the online test, I honestly thought that I would be at a disadvantage or that it would be difficult! The paper test would be better by far! (lol) Now, I would like to tell you about the results in a Q&A format!
Q.1 Where can I take the online IELTS test?
Currently, it is only available in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. Unfortunately...
If you are in the Kanto, Kansai or Nagoya area, please take the test when you go back home.
If you are not a local, why not take the test while you are on a sightseeing trip?
Q.2 Where should I apply for the test?
I think the best place to apply is from the Eiken website. https://www.eiken.or.jp/ielts/
Q.3 How much is the examination fee?
It is the same as the paper test, 25,380 yen.
Q.4 What are the advantages of registering for the online test?
You will know your results immediately. If you take the test on a Saturday each time, you will always receive an email with the results within 3 days, which is fast! However, you will receive a written document by post, the same as for the paper test. Moreover, there are just so many days on which the test is held. Some days you can take the test even on weekdays.
Q.5 I want to go on an exchange program. I want to apply for an exemption from the English language course! Which test should I take, the Academic Module or the General Training Module?
The Academic Module. The red one.
Q.6 What was the actual examination process?
Where I took the test, there were about six candidates in total. There is a partition between you and your neighbor so you can concentrate. You don't need to bring a pencil, but you can borrow a pen. Of course, make sure you bring your passport and a photocopy. For each section, i.e., in between Listening, Reading and Writing, you are given a piece of paper with a different password each time and you are allowed to take notes in the margin of the paper. You may feel that you can't take notes because the exam is on a computer, but you can take notes. Don't worry.
Q.7 How was the listening test?
In the paper test, you have 10 minutes to transcribe your answers at the end of the listening test. Unfortunately, that is not the case online. However, you only need to write one word, which is not that onerous. In line with this, the paper has recently changed to a one-word writing question. However, as always, a 10-minute transcription time is provided on a paper test.
Surprisingly, Section 1 seems to be more difficult. The reason is that in the paper test, when I had to say a phone number or something, I had to say "Oh, I made a mistake" and say it again, so it was OK even if I skipped a few words at the beginning, but online, there is no rewording, so you must remember it all in one shot.
There were many multiple-choice questions, so it was easy to answer.
Q.8 How was the reading test?
It was also easy to answer on the reading, but it was still tough not being able to check the various marks immediately. By the way, it is possible to color in keywords and other information with a highlighter by right-clicking. I think the reading section will be easier on paper.
Q.9 How was the writing test?
As far as writing is concerned, I think online is by far the best. It counts the words automatically and saves you the trouble of using an eraser. Of course, with paper, you can just draw a line and erase it, but it still looks bad. I think you will have a lot of time to spare, so please make sure you spend that time revising. If you feel that your typing speed is slow, be sure to practice typing well before you work on it. If you feel that you are just not very good at it, a paper test may be safer for you.
Q.10 How was the speaking test?
Speaking will be face-to-face as usual. The format will be the same, so work on it in the same way as after the paper test.
Therefore, in conclusion, online was easier for me to take. This is just my personal opinion, so please give it a try! If you would like more tips on how to study for IELTS, please come and see me at SALC or email me at misato@apu.ac.jp

サンダーズ美里 先生
Misato Saunders先生
English LA