Are you taking the IELTS test on December 2nd? Here are some last-minute tips to help you study.
One week before: Study for your Weakest Part (Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing)
You only have one week to go, so now is the time to study. Don’t try to cram in information with only a week left, instead focus on the parts that you are the weakest at. Then make a study plan you can stick to, one- two hours a day. Remember it is better to study one hour every day the week before the test than 5 hours one day before the test.
Change Your Attitude
You might be stressed out or dreading the IELTS, but instead look at it as a chance to show your improvement. Be positive when you study. Think about yourself doing well and getting the score you want. Think of the test as a chance to show how much you have learned.
Read “Test taking tips for IELTS”
For specific section tip's view Liz IELTS: IELTS Test Tips & Advice On the day (ieltsliz.com) She has specific tips for each section. Read it once, one week before the test and also on the day of the test. If you are confused by some of her tips, put them into Machine translation (like DEEPL) so you can understand them clearly. These are very helpful tips for each section.
24 Hours before the test:
Sleep and Eat Well
Make sure you have a good night’s sleep the night before the test and eat a good breakfast on the day of the test. Drink lots of water and be ready to focus for a long test.
Don’t Get Stressed
According to My IELTS advantage, you should enter the exam with a clear mindset. You can worry about your results once you get them. Try to remind yourself that you are only feeling stressed, but this is because you are nervous, not because you're unprepared.
“Tip: If you feel nervous before your test, try ‘reshaping’ your nerves by saying ‘I AM EXCITED!’ out loud. Studies have shown that this is an effective way of convincing your brain that you aren’t nervous, you’re energized! “From My IELTS advantage
Practice English
The day before and on the IELTS test day try to listen to English and practice speaking English. This can be your “warm up time” just like a team warms up before a big game. Some ways you can do this are by watching Netflix or movies, reading the newspaper, writing an email or speaking to your friends. These can all be done in ENGLISH.
Good Luck on the test- and remember- we can help you practice for the IELTS and advise you on how to study for IELTS at the SALC. Come visit us😊
"IELTS受験のコツ "を読む
具体的なセクションのヒントについては、Liz IELTS: IELTS Test Tips & Advice On the day (ieltsliz.com)をご覧ください。各セクションの具体的なヒントが載っています。テストの1週間前と当日に一度読んでみてください。もし彼女のヒントで混乱することがあれば、機械翻訳(DEEPLのような)にして、はっきり理解できるようにしましょう。これらは各セクションにとても役立つヒントです。
My IELTS advantageによると、試験には雑念を払った状態で臨むことと言われています。結果は出てから心配すればいい。ストレスを感じているのは、緊張しているからであって、準備不足だからではないのです。
ヒント:テスト前に緊張を感じたら、「I AM EXCITED!(ワクワクする!)」と声に出して言うことで、緊張を「再形成」してみてください。これは自分は緊張しているのではなく、やる気に溢れているのだと脳に思わせる効果的な方法です! (My IELTS advantageより)

Professor Lindsay MACK
English LA