
Did you know that one of the best ways to improve your writing is to receive feedback on it? The SALC offers collaborative one-to-one writing sessions to help student writers develop confidence and effective writing strategies.
*If you are an UIEA or Advanced Track student please go to the Writing Center. ELE, PIE, IE students, come to the SALC.
What is a writing help session?
It is a 30 minute session with a PA to work on a writing assignment. During that time, together with the PA you will set an agenda for the session, talk about your writing in progress, and work together to meet your writing goals. It is our hope that through the session you can learn strategies for revising, editing and proofreading.
Different ways PAs can help you
With the PA you can:
-Review your essay together
Revising and reviewing your essay for English class is an important part of the process. Come and get feedback and specific ways to improve your essay from the trained PA.
Are you stuck on how to even start your essay or what to write about? Come and brainstorm with the PAs.
-Create an Outline
You might have your topic of your essay but you are stuck on what specific details to write. The PA can help you create an outline.
-Prepare for timed writing tests
Even if you don’t know what the timed writing test topic is, you still need to prepare beforehand. With the PA you can predict timed writing test questions and start making outlines.
Recommendations for getting the most out of your Writing Help Session
Come early
•The earlier you come in before a writing assignment is due, the more help you can get.
•Even if you haven’t written anything, we can help you brainstorm and get started.
•Make appointments in advance not right before your deadline.
Come Prepared
•To help the PA understand your writing assignment, please bring your draft, assignment sheet and any other materials you want to share with the PA.
Come in often
•The more visits you make to SALC, the more you can develop as a writer.
•Consider making regular appointments with the same writing PA so you can regularly receive feedback.
ライティング力向上のための最も良い方法を知っていますか。それはフィードバック(コメントやアドバイス)をもらうことです。SALCでは、対面式のライティング・ヘルプ・セッションを提供しています。このセッションでは、ピア・アドバイザー (PA)からフィードバックをもらいながら、効果的なライティング方法について学ぶことができます。この体験を重ねることが、自分のライティング力への自信につながるでしょう。
*このSALCライティング・ヘルプ・セッションは、英語科目レベル初級、準中級、中級の学生のためのサービスです。準上級、アドバンスト・トラックの学生は、Writing Centerを利用してください。
・Timed writing test(時間制限ありのライティング・テスト)対策
By Lindsay Mack (English SALC Coordinator)