[English is below]
① アットホームで話しやすい雰囲気をつくります。
② アドバイザーはあなたの状況を分析し、あなたと共にあなたの目標へ向かう伴走者となります。
③ あなたが主体となり、あなたが英語学習に関してすべきことを共にセッションの対話の中で明確化していけるようにサポートします。
① メタ認知:目標設定、計画立て、実行、振り返りなどを指す
② 情意:自信、やる気、喜怒哀楽などの感情のコントロールができるか
③ 認知:どの教材を用い、どのような学習ストラテジーを用いるか
Today I would like to write about the role of the Language Advisor (LA) at the SALC.
What does a Language Advisor (LA) do?
(1) Creates an at-home and friendly atmosphere. We listen to whatever you have to say about learning English without judgement.
(2) Your advisor will analyze your situation and work with you to help you reach your goals.
(3) Help you to take the initiative, and clarify what you need to do in terms of English learning in our sessions together.
【The learner is the main actor in the advising process.】
Through one-on-one dialogue, the learner and advisor work together to identify current problems, set learning goals, create a learning plan, train, and reflect on the process. Our 30-minute sessions go by very quickly, so continued visits are definitely recommended.
【Self-regulated learning is the key to successful language learning.】
Self-regulation learning, which is essential for language learning, includes the following three points
(1) Metacognition: goal setting, planning, execution, reflection, etc.
(2) Affective: the ability to control emotions such as confidence, motivation, and joy, anger, sadness, and pleasure.
(3) Cognitive: Which materials and learning strategies are used?
The more successful this self-regulation, the easier it will be for the learner to get back on track.
The LA will guide the learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to make changes in both their learning attitude and English language skills through dialogue in the sessions, encompassing these three points.
The above (1) Metacognition and (2) Affective will be discussed together with the LA, with the learners taking the initiative.
When learners ask for advice on (3) Cognitive, the LA may take on the role of a teacher (tutor) depending on the situation and may provide training while providing a structure and scaffolding to enable learners to experience success. However, the learner ultimately decides the learning materials and learning methods for themselves.
The LA and the learner participate in the session collaboratively, and together they make it better for the learner. That is what makes language advising so exciting. We encourage you to visit a SALC LA and participate in an advising session. You may gain new insights into your own language learning. If you have any questions about language advising, please contact me.

SALC Language Advisor (LA)
Misato Saunders