I started the position of Peer Advisor (PA) in the SALC in Fall Semester of 2020 and I have just finished my first working semester here. No matter how much experience I had before as an English TA or in the Writing Center and with attending online classes, doing online SALC was a real challenge for me. However, by the end of the semester I managed to understand the system, establish my own advising style, and had great time with students. This blog has some tips that I learned in the last four months in the SALC to enjoy working online.
Always be prepared
This is a tip I learned for the first time from a course in APU in which my professor required his students to read all material and listen to the lecture video in advance, the actual class is only for discussion about the prepared content. This is called a “flipped classroom”, students self-study first and the discussion is carried out by the teacher. The mentality of preparing material and questions before the class worked out very well when I applied it in the SALC. When I first started working, I was nervous about how to help students, so I always checked the reservation system in advance and went over all the related material, I even prepared for the flow of the session, the possible questions that students could ask, and my answers for those. Students should also prepare in a similar way before SALC sessions to make the most of the session with the PA.
Bring extra energy but also a relaxing space
Attending online classes or working online in the SALC can drain our energy over time. Therefore, establishing a healthy working mentality and creating a physical working space is very important. I am a lively and expressive person myself so being online only was difficult for me. To solve this problem, I tried to express my energy more clearly, via my intonation, and facial expression. Sometimes I included visual aids in the background when talking with students to make our conversations lively. This, however, leads to the exhaustion of energy easily once I have long shifts and classes together. Therefore, I created a very comfortable workspace that can help me to recharge. I put a lot of plants in my room, my desk is close to the large window that is full of natural sunlight, I always have tea or water by my side. Those small things are very magical.
Deepen the conversation
I am keen on getting to know a person by talking with them. I really enjoy communicating with students by asking them questions that I consider crucial to everyone: what makes them happy, what is their dream, what are the struggles that they are going through. The awkwardness is obviously there at the beginning and it takes time and sensitivity to get the other person comfortable enough to talk to you openly. One of the most important things that I learn from this is every single student that I meet is an important person, and has great stories to be listened to, I am not there to teach them, I am there to listen to them. The SALC has given me a lot of time to talk with students besides assisting in their learning process and this has been great for me to get to know them.
The online situation might keep going in the unforeseeable future, but we are in control of how we face it. I believe the efforts that we make by ourselves can improve the online environment. The online SALC has been a great opportunity for me to practice and reflect on.
オンラインの状況は、予測できない将来も続くかもしれませんが、それにどう立ち向かうかは私たちがコントロールできます。私たち自身の努力によって、オンライン環境を改善することができると信じています。 オンラインSALCは、私にとって実践と反省のための素晴らしい機会となりました。

LUU Thi Phuong Thao (Alex) English PA