What is important for your future success? - GPA, mindsets and support at university 将来の成功のために大切なことーGPA、心がけ、大学のサポートについて [English is below!]
みなさん、こんにちは! アカデミックオフィス課長の日野です。3月に成績結果が公開されて、皆さんの中には「成績が思ったよりも良かった」と喜んでいる人もいれば、「思うような結果が出なかった」と落胆している人もいるかもしれません。新学期がスタートし、心機一転皆さんが大学で学修する上で欠かせない「成績・GPA」について解説させてもらいたいと思います。
またどうせやるなら楽しくやろうとする心がけは、どんな世界かわからないまま飛び込むビジネス界でも発揮されると著者は説いています。皆さんの中では好きでAPUに来たという人もいれば、仕方なくAPUに来た人もいるでしょう。私は新しい世界へ「We can do it」と前向きに飛び込むことができる学生になってほしいなと願っています。
そして5番目の機関は、皆さんが現在見てくださっているサイト、SALC(Self Access Learning Center)です。SALCに従事している教職員は皆さんが自律的に言語を学習できるようサポートしています。英語がわからなくて授業についていけないと感じたら、ぜひSALCの相談ブースを予約してみてくださいね。
Hello everyone! I am Satoshi Hino, Manager of the Academic Office. Looking at your grades last semester, released in March, some of you might be happy that your grades were better than expected, while others might be disappointed that they did not meet your expectations. At the start of a new semester, I would like to explain to you about how to read your grades and Grade Point Average (GPA), which you all need to know for your academic success at university.
At APU, there are two ways to calculate GPA: Cumulative GPA and Semester GPA. The former is the average of your grades from enrollment to the present and is used when applying for exchange programs and the Accelerated Graduation Program, while the latter is the average of your grades from the most recent semester and is employed for scholarship screening and course registration prioritization. If you want to study abroad in the future, or if you are an international student who wishes to receive scholarships seamlessly, these are indispensable indicators, respectively.
You might say, "I am not thinking of studying abroad or receiving a scholarship, and my university grades will be of no use to me once I start working." Then, let me introduce a book to you. The title of the book is "Why Can Japan's Top GPA University Students Have an Easy Time in their Job Search? (nihon no GPA toppu gakuseitachi wa naze shukatsu de rakusho dekiruno ka)” The author, Mr. Toshimitsu Sowa, who majored in pedagogy at Kyoto University and has been in charge of human resources and recruitment at Recruit Holdings and Lifenet Insurance Company, which was established by our president, Haruaki Deguchi, writes that the top GPA students have one thing in common: they do not have the habit of slacking off. However, he adds that it is not enough only to have this habit, but the following characteristics are also essential for the success in our society:
Having an ability to plan and act toward a goal;
Demonstrating high level of intellectual curiosity and high expectations for learning;
Possessing a sense of responsibility and ownership;
Showing competitiveness and having a sense of mortification;
Being a fast learner;
Owing an ability to make continuous efforts;
Exhibiting high energy level; and
Possessing a desire not to waste.
The author also explains that the mindset of trying to enjoy any tasks ahead will be useful in the business world since you will have to carry on business even before you gain enough knowledge about it. Some of you came to APU because you liked it, and some of you came to APU because you had no choice. My hope is that you will be students who are able to dive into the new world with a positive "We can do it" attitude.
Then, how can you improve your grades and GPA? From my experience working at APU for the past 15 years, I believe that there are five major points where you can easily get tripped up. They are:
Not knowing how to write reports required by the university;
Lack of basic math skills for quantitative analyses;
Living alone for the first time and having difficulties getting into the rhythm of university life;
Lack of understanding of the expertise taught in class and not taking measures to fill the gaps; and
Not having reached the required level of English proficiency and being unable to comprehend in English.
You may feel gloomy when you hear of these challenges. However, APU has institutions and systems to support you with these challenges! Please search for the following words on the Internet.
The fifth institution is the Self Access Learning Center (SALC). You are currently reading my blog on their website, aren’t you? At the SALC, the faculty and staff are dedicated to helping you learn foreign languages autonomously. If you feel that you are having trouble understanding English and keeping up with your classes, please make an appointment at the SALC consultation booth.

Satoshi Hino
(Manager, Academic Office)