Whether it is for a speaking test for class or to make new friends, English speaking skills are one of the most important skills in learning English. Just like any other basic skill, English speaking skills require a lot of practice in order to improve. However, constant practice simply takes too much time for the average busy university student. But, don’t sweat! Here are two simple tricks and tips to improve your speaking skills:
1, Ask for more time in English
When you are unsure of what to say, avoid the Japanese word “eto…” to fill the silence. Instead, try using:
- “Let me think…”
- “Hold on…”
- “Give me a moment…”
Or if those are too long, a simple “Hmm…” or “Uhh…” is appropriate to say!
2, Paraphrase the other speaker's answer
When you are unsure of what the person you are talking to said, try not to ask “What do you mean?” too many times. Instead, consider trying to repeat what they said and let them correct you. For example using:
- “So you're saying ___?”
- “Do you mean ___?”
- “Does that mean ___?”
With these simple tricks, you'll instantly sound more fluent! What are you waiting for? Try them with your friends and have fun speaking English!
クラスのスピーキングテストのためであれ、新しい友達を作るためであれ、英語のスピーキングスキルは、英語を学ぶ上で最も重要なスキルのひとつです。他の基本的なスキルと同様に、英語のスピーキングスキルを向上させるためには、多くの練習が必要です。しかし、多忙な大学生にとって、継続的な練習は時間がかかりすぎます。でも心配しないでください! ここでは、スピーキングスキルを向上させるための2つの簡単なコツとヒントをご紹介します。
1, 英語でもっと時間を稼ぐとき
- "Let me think..."
- "Hold on..."
- "Give me a moment..."
また、それらが長すぎる場合は、シンプルに "Hmm... "や "Uhh... "と言うのが適切です
2, 相手の答えを言い換える
相手が何を言っているのかわからないときは、"What do you mean? "と何度も聞かないようにしましょう。代わりに、相手の言ったことを繰り返して、相手に訂正してもらうことを考えてみましょう。例えば、次のようにします。
- "So you're saying ___?"
- "Do you mean ___?"
- "Does that mean ___?"

Author: Binar Mentari Malahayati (Tari) English PA