Ever since COVID-19 began, many schools and universities have switched to online (remote) learning. Many students have reported feeling lonely and isolated during this time since they have not been able to interact with their classmates in person. Additionally, many students have reported experiencing “Zoom fatigue” which is a condition that includes sleepiness, headaches, strained eyesight, and lack of motivation to study.
How have you experienced Zoom fatigue? Here are three tips for how to stay focused and continue studying efficiently:
Take frequent breaks: Get up and take a walk. Giving yourself a mental reset and some fresh air before your next task or meeting can provide you with a renewed focus to get through the day productively.
Make Zoom-only (and Zoom-free) rooms and spaces: You may be working from your bedroom, your couch, or your kitchen table – all places you commonly associate with being away from your duties at classes. This disconnect can cause a conflict and a level of discomfort in your mind that results in stress and negativity towards school responsibilities. So, make sure you separate your workspace from your sleep space. And decorate your walls to inspire creativity in your work!
Close other apps: Researchers have found that switching between tasks can cost you as much as 40 percent of your productive time. So, avoid opening multiple tabs on your browser or doing other activities while you’re on Zoom.
Until COVID-19 is under control, online classes will continue through this semester. So, stay safe and healthy, keep social-distancing and happy Zoom-ing!

あなたはどのようにZoom fatigueを経験しましたか?ここでは、集中力を維持し、効率的に勉強を続けるための3つのヒントをご紹介します。
ズーム専用(またはズームなし)の部屋やスペースを作る。寝室、ソファ、キッチンテーブルなど、通常は授業から離れた場所で仕事をしていることが多いでしょう。このような場所で仕事をしていると、心の中に葛藤や違和感が生じ、その結果、ストレスが溜まり、学校での仕事に消極的になってしまうことがあります。 そこで、ワークスペースと睡眠スペースを分けるようにしましょう。そして、壁をデコレーションして、仕事の創造性を刺激しましょう。

Maria, English PA