The SALC Lounge is one of the SALC regular events that is held every week. The purpose of the lounge is to create an informal and casual environment that is conducive to learning by practicing both Japanese and English. It is a wonderful platform to get to know people and is quite fun.
Throughout last semester, Fall 2020, we talked about a variety of topics ranging from pop-culture to New Years’ resolutions. As always, we had students who returned to the Lounge every week to practice speaking the language they were studying.
My favourite topic was movies because I got to share my recommendations with the participants, but I was also able to add several movies to my “must see list”. During one of the Lounges, we had a really nice time getting to know each other and even made plans to meet for coffee over the upcoming spring break!
I highly recommend students to come hangout at the Lounge and meet new people!
For Spring Semester 2021 the Lounge will be offered the following times in Quarter 1 and 2:
May 25 (Tues) -6th period
June 8th (Tues)- 6th period
June 17th (Thurs)- 6th period
June 22nd (Tues)-6th period
July 1st (Thurs)-6th period
July 6th (Tues)- 6th period
July 15th (Thurs)-6th period

Author: SRINIVASAN Mudra, English PA