Every student in the SALC has his own goal for language learning. The most common one, without a doubt, is improving English speaking skills. So, what is the first step to take towards becoming a better speaker? We cannot imagine a building without a strong foundation, and the same applies to language learners. Improving fluency in a language requires not only daily conversation practice but constant work on pronunciation and vocabulary.
That is when BBC Learning English app comes in handy. You can simply download the app to your device and practice English wherever you are. My favorite program on this platform is the 6 Minute English podcast. Enjoy interesting topical discussions, learn new vocabulary, and, as a bonus, take your listening skills to the next level!
そんなときに便利なのが、BBC Learning Englishアプリです。このアプリを自分のデバイスにダウンロードするだけで、どこにいても英語を練習することができます。このプラットフォームでの私のお気に入りのプログラムは、6 Minute Englishポッドキャストです。興味深い話題のディスカッションを楽しみながら、新しいボキャブラリーを学び、おまけにリスニングスキルを次のレベルに引き上げることができます。

Author: English PA, Feruza