It is common for a lot of English as a Second Language (ESL) students to have difficulty with the Listening portion of the IELTS examination. The different accents, speed and vocabulary of the recording can confuse many students. Here are some notetaking tips that will help you prepare a little better for the next time you take the test:
1.Don't write down every single word you hear Writing everything you hear is time-consuming and therefore not worth it. Writing too much information can confuse you, so take time to listen to main ideas, dates or time. Leave space and write only the relevant details. Here is an example of how I would take notes:
train leaves New York 4:34pm
Donny meets Paul dinner, James lunch
buy 3 tickets 2 weeks b4 (before)
2. Use abbreviations
Time is precious during the test and the faster you can take notes the better. Using abbreviations, shorthand words and symbols will make it easier to take quicker notes. For example, New York = NY, information = info, arrows ↑↓ can mean an increase/decrease: Shoe price ↑
3. Take notes in Japanese
There is no need to take notes fully in English. Sometimes, writing down a few words in Japanese can be faster and easier for students to understand. Mixing languages, as long as it can be understood, can also be a great idea.
Try out these tips either by yourself at home or during a session with your favourite PA!

多くのESL(English as a Second Language)学習者が、IELTS試験のリスニング・パートに苦戦するのはよくあることです。録音のアクセント、スピード、ボキャブラリーの違いで、多くの生徒が混乱してしまいます。ここでは、次回の試験に向けて少しでも良い準備ができるように、メモの取り方のコツをご紹介します。
2. 省略形を使う
例えば、New York=NY、Information=info、矢印↑↓は増減の意味があります:靴の価格 ↑
3. 日本語でメモを取る

Author: CHAKMA Swarnima (Nima), English PA