(日本語訳は続きます。Japanese translation follows.)

English learners at APU – like English learners all around the world – often say that they want to be able to speak English like a native speaker. I understand where this desire comes from, but I feel that it is the wrong goal to have. Not only is it almost impossible to achieve, but it is also not very useful in our globalized world. It is helpful think of two types of English: Native Speaker English and English as a Lingua Franca. Let’s look at Native Speaker English first.
There are many different varieties of Native Speaker English (Canadian, Scottish, Australian, Jamaican, etc.) and knowing one variety doesn't mean that you can communicate smoothly with all native speakers. However, let's assume that the variety of Native Speaker English you are aiming for is the kind of general American English found in the TOEFL test. Mastering this variety would be very difficult. There would be a lot of culture to learn, lots of idioms, and lots of slang. Even so, your accent would probably always sound a little different to people. You would probably need to live in the US and get really involved in the local culture to achieve the native speaker level of mastery that you want. If your dream is to live in the US and become as American as possible (perhaps because you are a spy), this is probably the best thing to do.
Most APU students don't want to give up their own identity and live undercover in the US, though. They have a much wider and more international view of the world. You are far more likely to spend your life in Japan or elsewhere in Asia than in the US. In this case, what you need is English as a Lingua Franca – the way everyone speaks English at APU. This is not a variety of English. It is more of a way of thinking about English. English may have begun as the language of its native speakers, but it has grown to be a global language – a tool that everyone can use to communicate with everybody else. I think this way of thinking is helpful because you can realize that you are not borrowing and misusing someone else's language. Instead, you are working together with other people to create meaning using a tool that belongs to the whole world.
I believe that this is a better goal to aim for: to be able to speak English like the international students and faculty at APU. Be ready to use English with anyone else who speaks the language. Don't feel bad for not sounding like a native speaker. After all, most of the people you speak English with won't be native speakers, either. When you are speaking in English, concentrate on the people you are talking with, think about how to successfully communicate with them, and don't worry so much about whether you are saying things in exactly the same way as some idealized native speaker would, unless you really are a spy of course!

Author: APU English Lecturer Andrew MCMAHON