Imagine trying to eat a plate of rice with chopsticks, but with a twist. Instead of using your hands, you decide to use your feet. At first, it seems like an impossible task, but then you start to experiment and have fun with it. You try different techniques, laugh at your own clumsiness, and make a game out of it. Surprisingly, as you continue to playfully explore and challenge yourself, you gradually become better and more adept. The joy and laughter fuel your motivation, and soon enough, you find yourself successfully maneuvering those chopsticks with your feet. Language learning can be just like that! When we approach it with a sense of enjoyment and playfulness, we open ourselves up to new possibilities. By embracing the fun, we become more engaged, creative, and motivated to learn. So, let's remember that having fun while learning a language is not only enjoyable but also an incredibly effective way to master it.
As a person of half German and half English heritage who arrived in Japan with only basic knowledge of hiragana and katakana, I decided to embark on a unique challenge to improve my Japanese language skills. During my one-year working holiday visa, I deliberately avoided interactions with English speakers to immerse myself fully in the Japanese language and culture. This unconventional approach led to many awkward attempts at conversation, embarrassing moments, misunderstandings, and even difficulties in my work and relationships. However, all of these experiences were unforgettable and immensely valuable in enhancing not only my understanding of Japanese but also my appreciation for Japanese culture. Additionally, I didn't spend much time buried in textbooks focusing on formal and lengthy forms of speech, but rather embraced the shortened and colloquial forms that are commonly used in everyday conversations. Looking back, I would choose the same path again. Although my approach may be considered extreme by some, here is a list of 30 suggestions for you to consider this semester in order to learn English in a memorable manner similar to my experience, without necessarily having to move to an English-speaking country and have a blast along the way.
1.Start a weekly English movie night with international students, discussing the film afterward in English to improve listening and speaking skills.
2. Read a children's book in English and create a colorful illustrated summary of the story.
3. Start a language learning journal, where you write down new words, phrases, and grammar points you've learned each day. Then ask an international student to explain the words to you in English for confirmation.
4. Listen to English songs and try to write down the lyrics by ear. Then, compare your version with the actual lyrics.
5. Order a meal at a restaurant using only gestures and facial expressions, challenging your ability to communicate non-verbally.
6. Create a rap song or poem about your daily routine, enhancing your pronunciation, rhythm, and vocabulary.
7. Have a conversation with a friend using exaggerated facial expressions and body language, emphasizing the importance of non-verbal communication.
8. Record a podcast episode where you pretend to be a news anchor reporting outrageous and hilarious news stories, improving your speaking skills and confidence.
9. Engage in a "fake it till you make it" challenge, where you pretend to be an expert on a random topic and give a convincing presentation to friends, enhancing your speaking skills and boosting your self-assurance.
10. Write a love letter to your favorite fictional character, expressing your admiration and practicing expressive writing.
11. Create a fictional superhero with a peculiar and unusual power, then write a short story about their adventures to enhance your storytelling skills.
12. Sing an entire conversation with a friend as a duet, improving your pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation.
13. Narrate your daily activities as if you were a sports commentator, practicing your fluency, and improvisation skills.
14. Write a dialogue between two inanimate objects, such as a pen and a notebook, exploring different perspectives and honing your dialogue writing abilities.
15. Have a debate with a friend, but each of you must argue for the opposite side of your actual opinions, improving your persuasive skills and critical thinking.
16. Act out a scene from a famous movie or play, but replace all the dialogue with tongue twisters, challenging your enunciation and theatricality.
17. Have a conversation with a friend using only animal sounds to practice non-verbal communication and creativity.
18. Have a "word of the day" challenge with a friend, where you both need to incorporate a chosen English word into your conversations as creatively as possible.
19. Engage in a "fun facts" exchange with classmates, sharing interesting and bizarre trivia in English to improve your speaking and listening skills.
20. Attend an English karaoke session with friends and challenge yourself to sing popular English songs, improving your pronunciation and rhythm.
21. At karaoke sing your daily routine to the tune of a song instead of the actual lyrics, incorporating exaggerated gestures and dance moves.
22. Watch a movie with a friend on mute with subtitles in English and provide live voice-over narrations for the characters.
23. Narrate a fictional cooking show episode in English while preparing a simple dish, adding humorous commentary and exaggerated reactions.
24. Pretend to be a tourist exploring Beppu city, interact with locals in English, and document your experience as if you were documenting a travel vlog.
25. Take a walk through the APU campus and strike up conversations with strangers, asking them unusual and thought-provoking questions in English.
26. Have a conversation with friends using exaggerated accents from different English-speaking countries, improving your listening and pronunciation skills.
27. When talking with a friend in English try to answer each question with a question seeing how long you can keep the conversation going.
28. have a "Compliment Day" where you must include a compliment in every conversation you have in English, fostering positivity using the English language.
29 Plan a "Weird Fashion Day" where you dress up in the most unusual and outrageous outfits, while describing your fashion choices in English to others.
30. Engage in a "Reverse Talking" challenge, where you speak English but in reverse order, starting with the last word and building your sentences backward.
Why not embark on a quest to complete as many of these challenges as possible this semester? I can guarantee that the more challenges you take on, the more memorable this semester will be for you. Plus, there's a bonus: your English skills might improve along the way! Now, you might think that some of these challenges are too odd or embarrassing, but remember, there will always be situations where others try to discourage you from having fun. Don't be one of those people, and most importantly, don't stop yourself. Embrace the silliness, enjoy the laughter, and make this semester one for the books!
Do you need someone willing to join you in a silly challenge, English study or both, I'm your man! Come see me at the SALC Thursdays 2nd period.
Owen Schwehr is my name and Oscar Wilde said it best:
“Life is too important a thing to be taken seriously”
Was some of that hard to follow? Here is the Japanese version:
ドイツとイギリスのハーフで、ひらがなとカタカナの基礎知識しかない状態で来日した私は、日本語の能力を向上させるためにユニークな挑戦をすることにしました。1年間のワーキングホリデービザ期間中、私は日本語と日本文化にどっぷり浸かるために、あえて英語圏の人との交流を避けました。そのため、会話はぎこちなく、恥ずかしい思いをしたり、誤解を招いたり、仕事や人間関係がうまくいかなかったりしました。しかし、これらの経験はすべて忘れがたいものであり、日本語の理解だけでなく、日本文化への理解を深める上で非常に貴重なものでした。また、私は教科書に埋もれることなく、日常会話でよく使われる短縮形や口語体を積極的に取り入れました。今振り返ってみて、私はもう一度同じ道を選ぶと思います。私のやり方は極端だと思われるかもしれませんが、英語圏に移住しなくても、私のように思い出に残る英語を学ぶために、今学期、皆さんに考えていただきたい30の提案を紹介します。 1.留学生と一緒に毎週英語の映画鑑賞会をして、鑑賞後に英語でディスカッションし、リスニングとスピーキングのスキルを向上させる。
9.ランダムなトピックについて専門家になりすまし、友人に説得力のあるプレゼンテーションを行う「Fake it till you make it」に挑戦し、スピーキングスキルを高め、自己肯定感を高める。
19.クラスメートと "fun facts "交換を行い、面白いことや奇妙な雑学を英語で共有し、スピーキングとリスニングのスキルを向上させる。
25.APU キャンパスを散歩して、見知らぬ人と英語で会話をし、珍しい質問や考えさせられる質問をしてみる。
28.英語での会話には必ず褒め言葉を入れる "Compliment Day "を設け、英語での積極性を養う。
29.「Weird Fashion Day」を企画し、珍しい服や奇抜な服を着て、自分のファッションを英語で説明する。
30.英語を話すとき、最後の単語から順番に話す「Reverse Talking」に挑戦してみましょう。
Owen Schwehrは私の名前で、Oscar Wildeは最高の言葉を残しています:
“Life is too important a thing to be taken seriously”

Owen Schwehr