(English below)
参加してみたいけど何を話せばいいのか、何をすればいいのか、不安ですよね?そんな方もご安心ください。ご心配なく! SALCの素晴らしいPA(ピア・アドバイザー)が、皆さんの語学学習を最大限に楽しめるようにサポートします。では、11月2日(水)に私たちと一緒に楽しく会話を練習しませんか?
Language Exchange Event
参加者数 ~国内・海外各グループで~30名。誰でもこのアクティビティに参加できます!
以下のアンケートリンクからお申し込みください。また、インスタ(@apusalc)でも最新情報を配信していますので、ぜひフォローしてください! 申請はこちら➡https://forms.office.com/r/GzmtnpM5Ms
Hello friends of SALC!
Would you like to interact more with Japanese-basis or English-basis students? Perhaps even make new friends you can practice your language skills with? Well, Language Exchange is the event for you!
The Language Exchange Event is held by the SALC monthly to create a space for Japanese-basis and English-basis students to practice their language skills in a fun group setting. In this event, you will be introduced to a smaller group that also consists of students from your opposite language basis. Since this event is joined by students who are interested in meeting other students, you can be sure that everyone is as enthusiastic as you are to help you practice your language skills!
During the event we will have ice breaking activities, games, and a main event.
Want to join but still feel anxious about what to say or do? Don't worry! Our wonderful SALC PAs (peer advisors) will be there to make sure that you can enjoy your language learning experience to the fullest! What are you waiting for? Come join us for a fun time practicing your conversational skills on Wednesday, November 2!
First Language Exchange Event of the Semester
Date: November 2, 2022 (Wed)
Time: 4th period (14:20-16:00)
Location: SALC (F building 1st floor)
Participants: ~30 students for each domestic and international group. Anyone is welcome to join!
Please apply via the survey link provided below and make sure to follow us on Instagram (@apusalc) for more exciting updates!
APPLY HERE ➡https://forms.office.com/r/GzmtnpM5Ms
Since the maximum number of people for each language basis is 30, if the number of reservations reaches the upper limit, we will accept participants on a first-come-first-served basis.
Hope to see you at the SALC!
SALC チーム / SALC Team